Let's explore Osaka together!

Submit your Osaka Bob photos by filling out the form below.

Please fill in the fields below, confirm the user agreement, and click send.
Pictures taken without Osaka Bob may be submitted as well.
Please note that his image may be added to the photos before they are posted on social media sites.

※Please understand that not all submissions will be posted and we reserve the right to choose which photos to post. You will not be notified if your photograph has been chosen before it is posted on Bob's social media sites. Keep an eye on his activity to see if your photo has been chosen.



File size limited to 5MB

(Photo location and any other information you'd like to share about your picture.)

Your online username
(This will be posted with your picture)


Is anyone else visible in the photograph?
If so, please get their permission before submitting their image to be posted on Osaka Bob's social media sites. If a person's face is clearly visible in any of these photographs, you must receive their permission before sending them to us.